
Have a Voice

PASS members have a say in how their union is run and how the contracts with the FAA and DoD are enforced. They have a voice and a vote. Local union representatives are trained in labor relations to advocate on behalf of their co-workers.

Join PASS Now!

Submit your application (SF-1187) electronically or download a fillable pdf and submit it via email to the national office (only provide the last 4 digits of your SSN!)

Why Join PASS? Membership in PASS is about more than joining a union—it is about having a voice, gaining a system of support and solidarity, and making an important investment in your future. What else do you get by joining PASS? Why should you join now? Take a look at the following and the make the decision to join PASS today! It’s important to note that when you start paying dues to PASS, those dues are NEVER used for political activity. Have questions about PASS or becoming a member? Contact PASS National Organizer James Renaldi.

PASS Resources

PASS vs. Government Shutdown — winner, Best News VIdeo, 2020 Labor Media Awards

Our Legislative Issues

PASS National Officers

PASS Regions

See PASS members in action!

My coworkers and I need union representation

What is the Federal Labor Relations Authority?

The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is a quasi-judicial body created by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, commonly known as the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute. The statute allows non-postal federal employees to organize, collectively bargain, and participate in labor organizations through the employees own free choice.

“The Authority adjudicates: unfair labor practice disputes in which an Administrative Law Judge has issued a decision to which exceptions have been filed; applications of decisions and orders issued in representation matters; exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards; and negotiability disputes arising during collective bargaining.” FLRA.gov

Why do we need to sign a petition to have an election?

There are a number of steps before PASS can request an election be held. PASS must show that there is a sufficient showing of interest by the employees wishing to be represented by PASS. We do this by having you and your colleagues sign onto a petition requesting an election. Legally, we need 30 percent of a proposed bargaining unit to sign a petition. Since the goal is to win the election and not just have one, PASS likes to get signatures from 55–60 percent of the proposed bargaining unit before filing for an election.

How can I sign a petition?

Your colleagues will most likely collect signatures on the petition. Contact PASS National Organizer James Renaldi to find out if a petition is circulating within your work group.

What happens after a petition is filed with the FLRA?

The FLRA will first validate the signatures on the petition. Then it will determine which employees are included in the “bargaining unit,” meaning employees that are eligible for union representation. The FLRA will set the date for a secret-ballot election.

How is an election determined?

It takes a simple majority, 50 percent + 1, of the proposed bargaining unit to vote for PASS for PASS to win.

I’m already in the PASS bargaining unit and want to know more

What is the PASS structure?

The PASS national executive board is made up of the national president, national vice president, and five regional vice presidents (RVPs) who represent employees in front of the FAA management, Congress and the media. Each RVP works with two national assistants who can handle employee and member matters. The union also has a number of elected representatives (such as contract representatives, regional business agents and principal office representatives) who serve as counterparts to management and ensure the contracts are being followed. [Learn more about PASS’s Regions.

The PASS national office, which includes attorneys, communications professionals and legislative advocates, among others, represents the interests of the PASS membership and provides support and assistance to dues-paying members.

Additionally, PASS provides a number of different professional development opportunities outside of the representative structure, such as safety representatives, subject matter experts and legislative grassroots activists.

What is the difference between being a dues-paying member and being represented by PASS?

PASS members run the union! Every representative of PASS is elected by dues-paying members. PASS members also help guide our union by ratifying all contracts and provide input before contract negotiations. Members also can serve as safety representatives, subject matter experts, Article 13 (ATO) or Article 23 (AVS) representatives, and in many other roles. These benefits and responsibilities are only available to those who pay dues to PASS. If you want your voice heard and have a say on issues that affect your worklife, join PASS!

How can I join PASS?

You can show your support for PASS now by filling out an electronic SF-1187. Dues withholding does not begin until PASS wins a representation election..

Can I see a copy of the PASS collective bargaining agreements before I join?

Yes, the two contracts PASS has with the FAA can be found here.

How can I become more involved in PASS's organizing efforts in my office?

Contact National Organizer James Renaldi at (724) 833-1126.

Is PASS on social media?

Yes! You can follow PASS on LinkedIn, Facebook, X (fka Twitter), and Instagram. And you can see photos of PASS members in action on Flickr.