Region II

PASS Region II is comprised of Air Traffic Organization (ATO) employees, except those in Region V, located in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Region II also includes the territory of Puerto Rico and the territory of the Virgin Islands and all facilities in Central and South America.
Region II Vice President
Doug Lowe
(407) 279-6498
Region II Assistants
Kelly McGonigal
(918) 284-2580
Dennis Vessel
(817) 230-4000
Safety Representatives
National ATO Safety Rep:
Ron Pevehouse
(775) 750-8628
ASO Safety Rep:
Adam Butterfield
(928) 499-9058
ASW Safety Rep:
Sara Hall
ACE Safety Rep:
Marlon Patterson
(901) 359-5994