Union Veterans Council Head Addresses PASS Convention

In a real-world illustration depicting how the labor community helps its members, attendees at the PASS National Convention this summer were honored to host Will Attig, the executive director of the AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council as a guest speaker. The Council joins with union leaders and members who are veterans to speak out on veterans’ issues and improve the quality of life for veterans and their families. The group is focused on giving veterans access to good jobs, quality health care and advocates for a fully-funded Department of Veterans Affairs. PASS is proud to be part of this important group. In honor of Veterans Day 2017, PASS reprints his story.

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PASS Steps Up; Sends Emergency Goods to Puerto Rico

With support from PASS National, PASS members from Chapters FL1 and FL2 stocked up on massive amounts of supplies to assist their brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, still struggling to recover from Hurricane Maria.

The FAA chartered a FedEx MD-11 which could hold 150,000 pounds of cargo. PASS collected over 60,000 pounds and the union canvassed local Orlando nonprofits that had also collected goods and provided them the extra space on the plane. The supplies departed Orlando International Airport Tuesday and landed in San Juan late Wednesday night. PASS leaders from Chapters PR1 and PR2 are in the process of taking inventory and determining how best to distribute the goods.

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Rep. Shuster Recognizes PASS Members in Puerto Rico

PASS applauds Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Bill Shuster’s (R-Pa.) comments on the House floor yesterday on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico: "FAA technicians are working around the clock to restore services, but because of the extent of the damage and challenges of the terrain where equipment is located, it is difficult to determine when full restoration will happen."

Read Rep. Shuster's floor remarks     Read PASS's full statement

PASS Members Do Their Part: Get Orlando Airport Open

In an operation most likely undertaken throughout Florida, the Texas Gulf Coast and the Caribbean over the past two weeks, Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-FIO members in Orlando spearheaded the response efforts to get their airport, Orlando International Airport (MCO), back online after Hurricane Irma shut it down on Sunday night through Monday. These Federal Aviation Administration employees—like their counterparts at other affected airports—have been instrumental in getting aviation back up and running in the affected areas.

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President Signs Legislation Funding Government Through Dec. 8

On September 8, the president signed a $15 billion disaster aid bill that also included short term funding for the federal government, through December 8. While a shutdown on September 30 has been averted for now, Congress will still need to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration before the end of the month. It's possible that the House version of FAA reauthorization could come to the floor for a vote this—H.R.2997 includes a provision that would privatize the nation's air traffic control operations. The Senate bill does not include such language. Both bills would need to be reconciled before going to the president for signature. PASS will continue to monitor the situation. Find out more.

Labor Unions, Civil Rights and Progressive Groups Unite to Reject Air Traffic Control Privatization

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, along with 36 other unions, civil rights groups and progressive associations representing thousands of employees across the country, united to send a strongly-worded letter to lawmakers on Capitol Hill opposing any efforts to privatize the U.S. air traffic control system. In addition to PASS, the letter was signed by the NAACP, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), United Steelworkers (USW), the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and many more. Download release.

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