Aviation Safety Inspectors Grounded During Government Shutdown

PASS National President Mike Perrone released the following statement regarding the partial government shutdown’s impact on aviation safety.

“Once again Congress has missed funding deadlines for the federal government and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation safety inspectors are off the job as of midnight last night. These PASS-represented employees—more than 4,000—are responsible for the oversight, certification and surveillance of the entire American aviation system, including all general aviation and commercial aircraft, pilots and flight instructors, and repair stations both in this country and abroad. Furloughing this critical workforce during the busy holiday travel season is neither in the best interest of the nation’s economy nor the oversight of the U.S. aviation system."

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Government Shutdown Looming; FAA Employees & Aviation Safety Impacted

A partial federal government shutdown will occur on Friday, December 21 at midnight, if lawmakers can’t agree on funding critical agencies, like the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), before the crush of holiday travel.
Many dedicated federal employees—such as aviation safety inspectors—will be furloughed and many will continue to work, but without a paycheck, just before the holidays. PASS encourages all DOT and FAA employees and their colleagues in other affected agencies, to contact their member of Congress NOW, and ask them to avert a government shutdown.
Read more about what will happen if there is a partial government shutdown as you prepare to visit your loved ones this holiday season.


Thanksgiving 2018

As the nation prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, PASS is grateful for our members at the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense who protect the largest, safest and most complex air traffic control system in the world. This week—the busiest travel week of the year—that system will be taxed by the estimated 4.4 million Americans expected to travel by air to be with their families and friends. And many PASS members will be on the job, maintaining telecommunications and radar equipment, providing aeronautical charts and information and more. They will have inspected the very aircraft you are sitting on. They will be away from their own families on Thanksgiving because they are committed public servants and work for the American taxpayer who rely on their expertise.

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PASS National Run-off Election Results Announced

Today the ballots were counted in the PASS national run-off election and the results are in:

National Vice President: Carlos Aguirre
Region V Vice President: Howard (Hawk) Hawkins
National MIDO representative: Donald Henchar
Region I National Finance Committee member: Jill White
Region IV National Finance Committee member: Jim Pratt

In accordance with the PASS Constitution, a run-off election was held for these positions as none of the candidates won 50 percent of the votes cast in the national election conducted in August.

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PASS Applauds Final Passage of Five-Year FAA Reauthorization

Today, Mike Perrone, national president of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), the union that represents 11,000 employees at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), issued the following statement applauding final passage of a long-term FAA reauthorization bill, the first five-year reauthorization since 1982.

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Congressional Leaders Reach Bipartisan Agreement on FAA Reauthorization

Late Friday night, congressional conferees reached agreement on an FAA reauthorization bill that will provide stable funding for the agency through 2023. The full text of the FAA bill, 600+ pages, was released at 3 a.m. Saturday. The House and Senate will vote as soon as this week and passage is expected.

Most importantly for PASS members, the bipartisan agreement does not include any attempt to privatize the air traffic control system, something the union has been fighting for years. “The Senate never included privatization in its legislation this year,” said National President Mike Perrone. “When the House dropped its plans to include privatization in February, we were confident that our efforts to defeat this misguided proposal made a significant impact.”

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