PASS Members to Attend State of the Union

The Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) is proud that two of its members have been invited by their congressional representatives to be guests at tonight’s State of the Union address held at the U.S. Capitol. PASS Chapter FL1 President, Douglas Lowe, is the guest of Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla.) and PASS Chapter CA3 member, Joe Rodgers, is the guest of Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.).

Lowe is an airways transportation systems specialist for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) who works at Orlando International Airport. Rodgers is an engineering technician with the FAA who works at Ontario [California] International Airport. Both men are military veterans who chose to continue serving their country by joining the FAA.

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One Shutdown Ended, Another Looms Over Federal Employees

As PASS-represented employees went back to work this week at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), joining their colleagues who have been on the job without pay, PASS National President Mike Perrone reminded his members that the three-week continuing resolution signed January 25 was only a short-term respite. In a message yesterday, Perrone commended the workforce on the number of informational pickets held at airports across the country over the last month to highlight the effects of the government shutdown on aviation safety. “Friday’s news was only a temporary reprieve and we could be back on those picket lines in three weeks, so the fight isn’t over,” Perrone said.

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PASS, Federal-Postal Coalition Urge Senate to Reopen Government

On January 23, PASS, along with other members of the Federal-Postal Coalition, sent a letter to the Senate encouraging them to end the shutdown and allow all federal employees to get back to work and be fairly compensated.

“Funding the government is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of Congress and the President,” stated the letter. “A lapse in government funding compromises critical federal services, including our national safety and security. Each day that the shutdown continues, more Americans begin to feel the effects of having a government that is only partially operating."

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PASS Joins Lawsuit Against Federal Government

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, took legal action against the U.S. government for its failure to pay employees during the current government shutdown. In an act of solidarity, PASS is joining a lawsuit with other unions of the Federal Workers Alliance, including the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) and the National Weather Service Employees Organization (NWSEO).

“We need this shutdown to end,” said PASS National President Mike Perrone. “We want to ensure that employees receive pay for the tremendous work they do in keeping our air traffic control system the safest in the world. And they are continuing to do that under extremely challenging circumstances.”

PASS plans to continue exploring every possible legal and legislative avenue. In the meantime, PASS believes it is in the interest of all federal employees to work with fellow unions who are also representing workers being harmed and disrespected by this furlough.

PASS Rallies Against Partial Government Shutdown On Capitol Hill

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), the union that represents aviation safety inspectors, systems specialists and other aviation professionals at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), joined other labor unions and congressional leaders to rally on Capitol Hill against the partial government shutdown. With the government shutdown approaching three weeks, aviation safety inspectors are not able to perform their critical tasks and many other FAA employees are working without a paycheck.

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PASS, Union Coalition Call on Congress & White House to End Shutdown

This week, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS) joined a coalition of 30 federal labor unions in sending a letter to every member of the new Congress and the president asking them to find consensus to end the partial government shutdown.

“The costs of a shutdown only add to the financial sacrifice imposed on the federal workforce in recent years,” wrote the Federal-Postal Coalition. “Since 2011, federal employees have had more than $200 billion taken from their pay and benefits as a result of pay freezes, furloughs, and increased retirement contributions. This number will only grow if the federal pay freeze for 2019 remains in effect. In 2013, when the government shut down for 16 days, it cost American taxpayers nearly $24 billion. Federal employees and the American people should not have to pay for another shutdown.”

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