Wellness Center Added to Chicago Center (ZAU)

Approximately a month ago, PASS members and all employees at the Chicago Center (ZAU) working to keep the National Airspace System (NAS) safe every day excitedly welcomed the addition of a wellness center to their facility.

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PASS Member Is a Part of Drone History

In late April, the first authorized commercial drone flight took off in downtown Cleveland. The drone pilot chosen for this groundbreaking venture? None other than PASS Chapter OH3 member of approximately 20 years, Thom Beller.

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PASS Statement on Senate Passage of FAA Reauthorization

Senate Rejects ATC Privatization
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Mike Perrone, national president of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), issued the following remarks regarding passage of the Senate version of the FAA reauthorization legislation:

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PASS Member Meets One of the Last Remaining Original “Rosie the Riveters”

While receiving her own awards and recognition at the Tulsa Veterans Day Parade, Chapter OK3 member and Region II member of the National PR Committee Beverly “BJ” Chinnery had the honor of meeting another American veteran, Marina Metevelis. The Wichita native and long-time historian at Tulsa Community College (TCC), Matevelis, now age 94, is one of three original remaining “Rosie the Riveters.”

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South Carolina Members Fight Privatization

Across the country, PASS members are stepping up their efforts to tell their members of Congress that privatization of the air traffic control system is a bad idea. Site visits and meetings with members of Congress or their staffers are excellent ways to convey this message. This month, Chapter SC3 President Brian Strickland and Vice President David Brown took the opportunity to discuss this important issue with lawmakers.

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PASS WA3 Power!

By Monika Warner, Chapter WA3 President/Region III Assistant/PR Committee Chair

PASS WA3 once again emerged as a legislative power hitter in March by attending four events in just five days! PASS WA3 is willing to work as long and hard as needed to educate Congress and defeat the privatization effort, which could end the federal careers of up to 38,000 FAA employees.

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Members News

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