Success in Northwest Mountain Region

PASS is pleased to announce that Flight Standards employees in the 220 and 230 branches working in the Northwest Mountain regional office will soon be able to vote to be included in the PASS Flight Standards bargaining unit. Because of the way the bargaining unit is defined in the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) certification, Flight Standards employees situated in the FAA’s regional offices are not automatically represented by PASS and, upon a showing of interest, we have individually organized each regional office. Now the Northwest Mountain has the opportunity to join their colleagues in the Central, Southern, Alaska and New England regional offices who have previously voted to be included in the Flight Standards bargaining unit.

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Member Profile: Jim E. Reames

PASS members in the Northwest Mountain region may not realize that they have a prolific author in their midst. Working in the IT field at the FAA, Jim E. Reames, Chapter NW3, spends his spare time writing—and publishing—his novels. Most recently, he has released his fifth novel titled “The Billionaire’s Son,” which is available for purchase as an e-book and paperback on Amazon.

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PASS Members Attend Aviation Symposium

Earlier this month, PASS Region III Vice President Dennis Cherwinski and Chapter NV3 Legislative Committee Chair Patrick Peterson had the unique opportunity of attending the inaugural Titus Aviation Symposium hosted by Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.), a member of the House Aviation Subcommittee. Held in Las Vegas, the conference brought together a diverse selection of national aviation and aerospace leaders with federal officials to discuss the importance of various sectors of the aviation industry.

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Remembering PASS’s Alaska “Mom”

Family. It’s at the heart of a union. It is why PASS members call each other “brother” and “sister.” The family spirit of PASS goes deeper than fellow members. Families of PASS members—brothers, sisters, children, parents—are welcomed into the greater PASS family. And, this month, PASS lost a very important, very present member of the PASS family with the passing of Chapter AK3 President Vikki McCoy’s mother, Wanda Lorene Pennington Ivy.

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Cybersecurity Breach: Important DOT Information

As recently reported, there has been a cybersecurity breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) affecting systems and data that may have exposed the personal information of current and former federal employees. PASS has learned from the Department of Transportation (DOT) that DOT employee data, including the FAA, has potentially been compromised.

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Region I Reaches 50%!

For the past week, PASS Region I has been in celebration mode since reaching a significant milestone: majority membership. Membership in the region is now over 50 percent for the first time in PASS’s history.

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Members News

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