PASS Statement on FAA Reform

Today, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), the union representing systems specialists, aviation safety inspectors and other aviation professionals at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), submitted a written statement to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on the FAA reauthorization legislation and reform.

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PASS in DC Takes on Capitol Hill

This week, PASS members from across the country traveled to Washington, D.C., to deliver important messages to their members of Congress. Over 60 members visited over 80 congressional offices to voice concerns regarding FAA reform, the impacts of sequestration and the need to fully fund the FAA, and legislation affecting federal employee pensions.

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Stay Connected to PASS!

PASS is focused on communicating with our members and making sure you stay current on all things PASS. There are several communications resources available to members today, and we are always on the search for new ways to interact. The communication tools allow members to stay informed on current subjects important to all of us, including upcoming PASS events, legislative issues, details on PASS's involvement in modernization efforts at the FAA and many more. Current resources include:

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PASS OWCP Rep: Here for You

PASS is committed to helping injured union members with their on the job injuries or illnesses. For that reason, as part of the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) for both Aviation Safety (AVS) and Air Traffic Organization (ATO) employees, the agency is required to annually brief employees on existing requirements and proper procedures for reporting workplace injuries, which is outlined in the annual briefing form found here. PASS provides union members with a specialized Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs (OWCP) representative with whom members should consult when dealing with the intricacy of an OWCP claim.

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ERAM Complete

Today, PASS National President Mike Perrone and National Vice President Rich Casey  joined Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx and FAA Administrator Michael Huerta at a press conference recognizing the completion of En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM). ERAM has been deployed at 20 centers across the country and serves as a critical foundation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).

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Members News

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