FIS National Rep Teaches Kids to Aim High

Martha Burgoon Parish, an airspace system inspection pilot (ASIP) and the PASS Flight Inspection Services national representative, has always been very passionate about what she does and the career path she chose.  As a lover of all things aviation related, she very much enjoys the opportunity to share her personal knowledge and experiences with others. For that reason, she regularly volunteers at career fairs and other community events to provide insight to young children and adults about the world of aviation.

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PASS at ATM World Congress

Last week, Region I Assistant and International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronic Associations (IFATSEA) Director of the Americas Carlos Aguirre attended the ATM World Congress in Madrid, Spain. This gathering of leaders from the air traffic management, or ATM, industry is an important event organized by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) and the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA). Through an alliance with IFATSEA, PASS is allowed access to the international aviation community and the opportunity to provide important input.

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T-SAP: Open to All

By Richard Riggs, PASS National T-SAP Representative

As many PASS members know, the FAA and PASS have agreed to implement the Technical Operations Safety Action Program (T-SAP) nationally. What many may not know is that everyone considered to be a “T-SAP eligible submitter” can now enter a T-SAP report, even if that individual has not received the mandatory training. T-SAP eligible employees are Air Traffic Organization (ATO) employees assigned to Technical Operations (AJW) that are either PASS bargaining unit employees, non-management or management employees.

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Member Profile: Colin Taylor

Colin Taylor, a new PASS Chapter WA3 member of just four months, provides administrative support for the FAA Northwest Mountain region and recently became the contract representative for terminal engineering in the Western Service area. Soon after becoming a contract representative Engineering Services (ES), Taylor was designated to represent most of the ES workcenters in Renton. Taylor became an early chapter activist on the PASS WA3 Organizing Committee and has helped coordinate and conduct PASS orientations and worksite meetings, served for the first time at the annual Northwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show, and rallied PASS bargaining unit employees around new women’s clothing designs for the chapter. He has also supported PASS Region III in negotiations by helping bargaining unit employees who are being forced out of their workspace.

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Article 13 Update: NAS Voice System

As Article 13 representatives under both the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) and Aviation Safety (AVS) collective bargaining agreements, PASS members are continuing to play a vital role as the FAA transitions to its Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Most recently, Emmett Clark, PASS ATO Article 13 representative for the NAS Voice System (NVS), shared his experiences over the past several months he has served in the role. NVS is the primary communication component for NextGen and will transform air-to-ground communication throughout the aviation world. NVS is currently still in its development phase, with deployment expected to start in 2019 in Seattle.

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Upping Our Game – Tools for Effective Union Leadership

By Monika Warner, Region III Assistant, Chapter WA3 President and Region III PR Committee Member

As a full-time union leader and volunteer, I think a lot about our union. I believe that I’m working really hard to put in as many hours as the clock permits. I also believe that I am well informed and have great ideas. But I just keep wondering, why hasn’t membership soared? Why isn’t my chapter flourishing with activism and volunteers? In the worksite meetings and after-hours events around Region III, why aren’t we going home with stacks of membership applications from each visit for proof of time well spent? The truth is that relationships take time. One of the many quotes that stay with me from my quest for self-development is that “people don’t care what you know, till they know that you care.”

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Members News

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