PASS Mourns Loss of a Founder and Former President

WASHINGTON, DC - The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS) lost a great leader this week with the passing of Mike Fanfalone, a man who dedicated his life’s work to improving the working conditions of FAA employees throughout the country, including systems specialists, flight inspection pilots and aviation safety inspectors. He was one of the union’s founders and served as national president of the organization for two three-year terms starting in 1997.

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Massive Power and Communications Failure May Have Been Prevented

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The massive power and communications failure on Tuesday at the Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Center in Palmdale not only could have been prevented, but it was actually predicted by systems specialists working at the center. Those same specialists took quick action to minimize the safety threat to planes in the air and get power back up in the tower.

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Senator Mark Pryor Takes Up Issue of Fairness in FAA Labor Talks with Introduction of Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO today applauded the introduction of S. 3763 by Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.). The legislation seeks to eliminate the provision of law that the FAA claims allows the administrator to unilaterally implement the agency’s contract proposals after sending the bargaining impasses to Congress if Congress does not act within 60 days. Under S. 3763, if a settlement cannot be reached at the bargaining table, the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) would have jurisdiction to resolve the dispute.

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In Record-setting Vote, PASS Members Reject Collective Bargaining Agreement with FAA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, members of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS) overwhelmingly rejected a tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Following an all-time record voter turn out, employees represented by PASS in the Technical Operations bargaining unit gave a resounding “No” in response to the contract, with 98 percent of the votes against the agreement.

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FAA Reliance on Outside Telecommunications Contractors Results in Delays for California Air Travelers

SAN DIEGO, CA - California air travelers endured delays due to the FAA’s increasing reliance on outside contractors today, said the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union representing FAA systems specialists. Over 40 flights were delayed on average for over 30 minutes when contractors working with the FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI) failed to properly coordinate maintenance activity with FAA employees.

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PASS Welcomes Senator Boxer to LAX Today

LOS ANGELES, CA – Today, Ray Baggett, regional vice president of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS, AFL-CIO), the union that represents FAA technicians, issued the following statement welcoming Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) to Los Angeles Airport and in reaction to the persistent outages that have occurred there over the course of the last month:

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