Contractor Inability Causes Significant Loss of Communications for New York's Major Air Traffic Control Facility

NEW YORK - New York air travelers experienced delays last week due to contractor carelessness and inability, says the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, the union representing FAA systems specialists. On November 2, contractors working for Harris Corporation, the company now providing Federal Communications Infrastructure (FTI) circuitry and communications for the FAA, were performing corrective maintenance on equipment at New York’s Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Other systems were impacted due to the maintenance work, resulting in a loss of circuits that provide remote and interfacility communications and leading to significant unscheduled outages lasting nearly an hour.

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FAA Contractor Negligence Again Puts Safety at Risk

MIAMI, FL – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union that represents more than 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, today pointed out that contractors working for Harris Corporation, the company now providing Federal Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI) circuitry and communications for the FAA, were responsible for the system malfunction yesterday at the Miami Air Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), which put air passengers in jeopardy and caused major air traffic delays.

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FAA Downplays Unsafe Working Conditions

YPSILANTI, MI – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union that represents more than 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, today expressed serious concern about unsafe working conditions for employees assigned to the Ypsilanti systems support center in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Complaints from FAA employees reveal a disturbing pattern of negligence and indifference regarding the safety of its employees.

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FAA Recklessly Endangering Safety of Its Employees in Detroit

DETROIT, MI – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union that represents more than 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, is frustrated over the FAA’s lack of response to multiple facilities in the Detroit area plagued with mold, asbestos, radiation and other hazards. The FAA has knowingly failed to address the many problems at these facilities, ignoring the conditions for nearly a decade in some cases.

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Investigation of Fatal Crash Highlights Lack of FAA Oversight

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday’s determinations by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) pinpointing the FAA’s failure to oversee Chalk Ocean Airways maintenance programs following the 2005 crash that killed 20 people has raised serious concerns outlined today by the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS, AFL-CIO), the union that represents Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspectors.

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FAA Program Continues to Cause Disruptions and System Failures

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union that represents more than 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, today cited the most recent system failures as an example of ongoing problems with the Federal Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI) circuitry and communications system. Since its inception, the FTI program, which is provided by Harris Corporation and maintained by untrained contractors in facilities around the country, has been the source of countless outages, delays and safety problems.

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