PASS to Congress: FAA Neglecting Air Traffic Control Infrastructure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tom Brantley, national president of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), warned members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Subcommittee on Aviation, today that the FAA is neglecting the buildings and facilities that accommodate critical National Airspace System (NAS) equipment and the employees who operate and maintain those systems.

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FLRA Sides with PASS on Collective Bargaining Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, the union that represents FAA systems specialists, has cause for celebration following last week’s Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) decision in its favor regarding the FAA’s Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) case.

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PASS Praises House Passage of FAA Reauthorization Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS) AFL-CIO, the union that represents FAA systems specialists and inspectors, applauded the House of Representatives today for passing critical legislation, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007 (H.R. 2881), by a vote of 267 to 151. “H.R. 2881 is a pivotal piece of legislation to PASS and the aviation community,” said PASS President Tom Brantley. “We are pleased to see that lawmakers overwhelmingly recognized many of PASS’s issues and fought for their passage,” said PASS President Tom Brantley.

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Communications Failure at Memphis Airport Highlights FAA Negligence

MEMPHIS, TN - Yesterday’s communications outage at Memphis International Airport was completely preventable, says the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), the union that represents Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) technicians. At fault is the FAA’s failure to address serious deficiencies in Harris Corporation’s Federal Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI), which provides circuitry and communications for the FAA.

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PASS President Warns Lawmakers of Dangers in FAA's ADS-B Contract

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, the union that represents FAA technical employees who install, maintain, repair and certify radar, navigation and communication systems equipment, testified today before the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, to discuss its concerns regarding the FAA’s Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) contract. In his remarks, PASS President Tom Brantley told lawmakers that he was especially disturbed by the elimination of FAA certification of the system.

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IG Report Highlights Problems with FAA Internal Review of Safety Inspector Concerns

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO, the union that represents more than 11,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees including aviation safety inspectors, are applauding a recent Department of Transportation (DOT) Inspector General (IG) report, Actions Taken to Address Allegations of Unsafe Maintenance Practices at Northwest Airlines (Report Number AV-2007-080). “PASS is encouraged that the IG report addresses the critical need for the FAA to implement better internal review procedures to deal with inspector safety concerns,” said PASS National President Tom Brantley.

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